Wednesday 26 November 2014

Garden Photo Black and White

Original Garden Photo

       This is the original photo that I used to create the three different black and white photos.

B&W Adjustment Layer

      I used the adjustment layer for this picture. I lowered the blues and greens and I bumped up the magenta to make the lines in the flowers stand out more.


    For this photo I chose to use the green channel because the red channel lightened it up to much and the blue channel was way to dark for it. I then applied the green channel to the photo.

       I was playing around with the lightness and darkness on the gradient map. I tried making the flowers to pop from the background 

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Chess Piece

          In class we were working on realistic drawing. We started off with drawing tea pots and light bulbs. After we go the hang of shading, contrast and value we started a new assignment. We got to choose any chess piece and draw it realistically, after we sketched out 4 possible thumbnail backgrounds for the piece. After we would choose the best background for the chess piece.
           I chose clouds because I thought it would look peaceful and it wouldn't distract your eyes form the actual chess piece. The background does have a bit of movement because the clouds form a swirl which moves your eye around the paper. This difficulty of this art assignment for me was not as difficult as it seemed, I enjoyed this assignment.

Thursday 30 October 2014

LCI Skills Challenge - T-Shirt Design

     This is my T-shirt design for the LCI Skills challenge. I was away for almost the whole process of creating the designs, but with the time I had left I managed to complete some of it. My design is  

Black & White
T-shirt design

Friday 24 October 2014

Original Photo

         Our assignment this week was to create a logo that represented something about ourselves, the logo can be anything. I chose to create a lion, my mom tells me that my personality is like one because when you don't bother one its all fine and quite but if you disturb it then it get's angry. Plus I think they're cute. What we used to create the logo's was Adobe Illustrator. The main tool in illustrator is the pen tool it creates straight and curvy lines, and with it you can create anything. I used 8 layers to create the lion outline.

Eight Coloured Lion

        For this part of the assignment we were asked to experiment with color. When experimenting I tried using complementary colour scheme to make it have more of a balance. For the first one it doesn't quite have a complementary colour but I think it still works. For the bottom left I chose to do a gradient because i found all the other ones to look boring and plane so i thought it looked unique. I tried making a realistic lion because it felt like a had to much colour.

Realistic Lion

    I liked this one the most. Even though it's not as colourful and crazy as the other ones, they don't appeal to me. I like this because I don't real like crazy things, I like things to be sweet and simple. 

Black & White, Grey Scale
             The last part of the assignment was to make a black and white logo, and grey scale. Over all I did enjoy this assignment even though I did get stressed out  at times.

Thursday 9 October 2014

         In CyberARTS this week we got a new assignment to go outside to the LCI garden and take pictures of what we see. Everyone would get a partner and each person would take about 20 pictures, and then they would choose their top five and slightly edit them in photoshop to make the colours more vibrant.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

" The Third Class Carriage "
By: Honore Daumier

" The Third Class Carriage "
By: LCI CyberARTS Year 1

Our teacher this week gave us an assignment. The medium that we had to use was compressed charcoal and willow charcoal. Before this assignment we practiced creating value scales with charcoal to help us practice using the medium for this assignment.  Our teacher had cut small pieces of the painting. Everyone received a square piece of paper along with a small cut out of the artwork "The Third Class Carriage". The teacher told us to draw the lines and value, based on what we saw and not what we thought was there.  In my opinion our class recreation of the third class carriage does not look realistic.

When you look at some parts of the artwork they do look realistic because they have a lot of detail and nice contour lines which make it look realistic. But when you look at the faces most of them do not look realistic because there isn't much detail in them. Also when you look at the artwork as a whole the lines don't match up which doesn't make it look realistic, as for the original the contour lines match up along with the value in it.

        Our recreation does not represent a lot of unity because of the way we made it. Not many of the lines connect with another which doesn't create the look of movement. Nor does most of the shading match, which doesn't create a lot of emphasis on anything. Therefore it doesn't appear as a clear picture. When you compare the original and the one we recreated there is a big difference in it. The original has movement, it has emphasis in specific places and the shading seems confident.

       When I look at our recreation it doesn't show a lot of emotion. This is because the whole recreation does not have unity which makes it difficult to seed what is happening in the picture. As for the original you are able to see every detail in the artwork, you can see the expression that the people have sitting in the third class carriage. Most of the expressions seen on their faces are depressing because they are at the back of the train where all the smoke goes through. But they seem like they have a strong personality because they have a good posture while sitting, instead of slouching which can show as if they are beaten down.

Overall I did really like this assignment it was challenging at some points, and I do really like how the year 1 CyberARTS recreation turned out.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

                This is my thumb print identity project. All the sentences on here describes my personality. I chose to use my normal hand writing because its the way I write and this assignment is about identity so I thought it would go with it. I really wanted the background color to have some white so I chose to make a pattern that still shows it. I started playing around with different shades of purples and I ended up making a tiger print. I chose to put a smiley face at the end because the last word was smile so I thought it would look nice. 

Tuesday 23 September 2014

                This is my Typographic Identity. All the words on here describe my personality and things I like. I chose the shape to be South America because my family originated there. I chose these colors because I liked how they all blended in with each other. I kept the background white because its my favorite color and it makes the colors stand out more. I chose the font to be blocky because it creates more of a clean edge and more readable.